2nd June
BustinSkin WMD
6am Weymouth College - Thank you volunteers, you were amazing!
22nd June
Introduction to Archery
Open to all
21st July
Monthly walk
Osmington Smugglers car park
2nd - 4th August
Camping trip Osmington - White Horse Campsite
£10 per person per night
1st and 8th September
Outdoor First Aid course for volunteers
Dorchester Rugby Club
1 pm start.
15 September
Ironman 70.3 Weymouth
Athletes Village
10am - 5:30 pm.
Thank you, volunteers, we have 20 signed up!
28 September
South West Strongest
Sarah-Jane is fundraising for Dorset County Hospital and The David Ellis Charities.
Volunteers are needed for Friday 27th to set up, and all day 28th as event officials. Thank you
No events yet
3 November
Paras10 Virtual for the Fallen
Dorchester fundraiser
Register to take part below!
21st December
Christmas Gather
Dorchester Rugby Club
7pm -11pm